Foundations of cryptography  

LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT Students will obtain theoretical foundations of cryptography and computer security. Based on these foundations, students will be able to analyze and design security solutions for information and communication technologies (ICT). Students will be able to explain basic principles of algebraic structures used in cryptography, basic cryptographic primitives (hashes, RNG, provably secure protocols), basic algorithms and describe the internals of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Students will be theoretically prepared for follow-up courses from data transfer and ICT security areas. . COURSE CURRICULUM 1. Introduction to cryptography, history 2. Introduction to number theory 3. Primes and their use in cryptography 4. Basic structures used in cryptography I 5. Basic structures used in cryptography II 6. Modular arithmetic 7. Complexity theory, problem classification 8. Cryptography algorithms I 9. Cryptography algorithms II 10. Practical encryption 11. Practical authentication and digital signature 12. Provable security I 13. Provable security II AIMS The goal of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge of cryptography and to provide them with information necessary in more advanced courses in information and communication security. During the course, students will study the theoretical foundations (mainly the algebraic structures and their properties), the most common algorithms and concepts used in modern cryptography.
Foundations of cryptography

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